Calculation Sets

Tags have been renamed Calculation Sets to better reflect the expanded capabilities. Create and edit calculation sets from the Calculation Library; simply select your desired calculations and establish the order in which they should run. You can then run your saved sets when bulk applying calculations within Standardize.

Note: click on any of the images below to zoom in.

Edit the Tags for an Existing Calculation Sets

Choose existing calculation set tags from the list, or clear set tags that have been applied to a given calculation.

Calculation Queue

To apply multiple calculations across your tape, simply add them to the Calculation Queue. You have options when building your queue: select and stack one or more calculation sets; browse all calculations and manually add them to the queue; or use a mix of set(s) and individual calculations. No matter what you choose, you can always specify your desired order of operations.

Remove Calculations from Queue

Select one or more calculations to remove, then click Remove from Set. You will have to reapply your calculations; any new errors will show in the red status bar above the table (shown here).

Troubleshooting Failed Calculations

When calculations fail, a new Status column helps you visualize which calculations need attention. Additionally, you can now fix calculation errors in one place, instead of selecting each individual row; to do this, click the Fix Errors button within the red status bar at the top of the table, then make your corrections in the drawer.