As highlighted in Leverage Optimizer Overview and Process, there are three main steps in onboarding a vehicle with our Leverage Optimizer Tool. While the interface allows for a user to onboard fully self sufficiently, dv01 is happy to help with the onboarding:

  1. Runs and Data Configuration
    1. Access different runs (scenarios) and create an optimization.
    2. Linking and configuring the datasets that dv01 has ingested as well as mapping the fields needed for each dataset.
  2. Building Capital Markets Vehicles
    1. Naming a vehicle and defining its configuration.
    2. Defining eligibility restrictions, advance rates, excess concentrations, aggregations, and leverage reduction amounts (reserve accounts).
  3. Run Optimization and Reports
    1. Run the optimization after the vehicles are built.
    2. View the output via our front end and download the excel report highlighting the loan tape, vehicle specific output, and the total output across vehicles.

In this section, we walk through what an optimization looks like along with the reporting shown.

Run Optimization

Once a user has built out their facilities, they can select Run Optimization, which allows for the solver to occur across each vehicle created. The user will be directed to the Report Page once the optimization is complete. An example can be seen below.

Report Page

This page allows us to see the following from an output perspective after an optimization run:

  • Optimization summary across all the vehicles showcasing output like:
    • Advance amount, advance rate and limit.
    • Leverage reduction amount and reserve amounts.
    • Loan count and collateral balance.
    • Ability to view additional columns. 
  • Data sources that were used to compile the output.
  • Vehicle Specific Summary including:
    • Excess concentrations with the limit, actual result, and pass/fail status.
    • Binding constraint - shows how certain excess concentrations can affect your advance amount giving you insight into further optimization and negotiation power.
      • Pro Tip: We see users edit their runs based on these insights to help maximize borrowing power 
    • Eligibility restrictions (hard knockouts from loan level perspective).
    • Advance rate waterfall that was created.

An example of this can be seen below.

After we view binding constraints and the output, we can:

  • Edit the vehicles based on the insight we have learned from binding constraints.
  • Download the excel giving us a loan tape, vehicle specific output, and summary of the run.

Excel File

The output shown on the excel report is the following:

  • Summary page highlighting the overall output across the different vehicles we have built.
  • Loan tape showing where the loan was allocated to, advance rate, eligibility logic, and other facility metrics.
    • Users can manually edit the loan allocation if they wish in the data tab and facilities will be updated with those changes.
  • Vehicle specific output with actuals/limits/status and logic across each defined variable, aggregations, and advance metrics.

An example of what is shown can be seen in the video below.